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Welcome to All For One Pet Rescue, Inc.!! One Life - One Love - One Mission RESCUE - ADVOCACY - EDUCATION |
Domestic Short Hair : : Male : : Baby : : Small
Preston was born in late February 2016, and is currently being fostered and loved by another rescued kitty, and a family of 4 humans. He loves pushing around his toys and playfully jumping on his {much} larger kitty sibling. Since he can't do fist-bumps, he loves to offer random head-bumps as a show of love. Preston enjoys singing the songs of his ancestors when any loved-one walks out of the house for a moment, then tries to cuddle with moving their feet upon their return. Unfortunately, Preston does not enjoy adoption events and gets very stressed. This video better represents his true passion for play and love. For more information, or better yet, to adopt Preston, please contact All For One Pet Rescue @ 561-228-4550 or email info@allforonepetrescue.org. More about PrestonGood with Cats, Good with Kids